
Ing. Jana Oprsalová, EMCC - Guide for the Journey of Life: through life changes and inner transformation

Transforming your life together.

Have you been dreaming of making your biggest dream come true for a long time, but you don't know where and how to start? Are you looking for the courage to take the first step?

Are you going through a change? Do you want to make a change at work, in your home, in your relationship, or in your health? Are you looking for meaning in your life?

Welcome to the website of Jana Opršalová, a coach specializing in life transformation. I help people find their path and achieve a fulfilling and happy life. I teach energy management through experience.

About Us - Transforming Lives and Businesses

We are a team of experienced coaches who specialize in personal and professional transformation. We strive to help people reach their full potential and live a happy and fulfilled life. Together with you, we will find the path to your goals and support you on your journey to success in achieving them.

Transform your life

Words do not teach, experience teaches.

We offer coaching, mentoring, and guidance in the process of personal growth and transformation. We help our clients discover their potential, find the path to their goals, and make positive changes in all areas of their lives. We use a personalized approach and modern methods that promote effective and lasting change.

  • Individual coaching
  • Group workshops
  • Online counselling

Clients' opinions

"Jana je skvělá koučka, která mi pomohla najít můj vnitřní klid a také směr v životě. Její empatie a schopnost porozumět mým problémům mi pomohly prožít skutečnou vnitřní i vnější transformaci. Díky ní se cítím šťastnější a sebejistější. A hlavně vím, jak dále."

Hana Novotná, ředitelka manažerka

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