About us

We are a team of experienced coaches who specialize in personal and professional transformation. We strive to help people reach their full potential and live a happy and fulfilled life. Together with you, we will find the path to your goals and support you on your journey to success.

A while ago, we were where you are now. We were standing still, not knowing which way to go. Today, we know the path - and we're happy to guide you along it.

About Us - Transforming Lives

Welcome to Jana Oprsalova, Life Transformation Coach! I am a certified and accredited EMCC (The European Mentoring and Coaching Council) coach with a focus on personal development and lifestyle change. My goal is to help people in their journey towards positive change and fulfilling their potential. In today's hectic times we often forget about ourselves and our needs. Although we know what would benefit us and what we should change, we often lack real motivation and support. This is where I can be a helping hand.

Almost 18y experience in senior management in corporate companies. Almost 8y experience in professional coaching and mentoring.

Tens of satisfied clients from the corporate companies, management and directors, nonprofit directors, startup CEOs, and individuals, women and men.

More than 500+ professional coaching and mentoring hours experience